IELTS Advantage… Tips From The Expert!

Learn a lot of essential IELTS tips right from the expert!

IELTS Advantage, an IDP IELTS preparation product, features more than 40 minutes of IELTS tips, presented by IELTS expert, Don Oliver.

Watch this video of the IELTS Advantage presentation

The IELTS Advantage presentation covers a lot of the topics that every candidate needs to know about the IELTS test, including:

  • Preparing for the IELTS test
  • IELTS test format
  • How the candidate’s skills are assessed in the IELTS test
  • FAQs about the IELTS 4 components (Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking)
  • What to expect on your IELTS test day
  • How you receive your IELTS results.


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  • Nigeria’s most popular English-language test for work, study, and migration.
  • IELTS is recognised by over 10,000 organizations in 140 countries worldwide.
  • Speaking test administered face to face in a private, quiet room with one examiner.